Wednesday 19 October 2011

Magazine Survey

Article/Double page spread analysis

The choice of celebrity which featured suggests that the target audience for the article is older teenagers going on to young adults. The target audience seem to be people who are interested in the celebrity’s life, and who want to know more about them. The language used is quite formal but it can still be read and still keeps the teenagers engaged and interested. This quote will show the style of the magazine. ‘Unflappable professionalism perhaps explain the misapprehension that Diane is almost remotely, clinically beautiful’. The background colour is whitish, creamish. This does not take attention off the model in fact it brings more attention to her. The style of text is standard and is written in black. Seven and a halve of the double page spread layout is filled with the celebrities pictures. There is three and a half of text in the double page spread layout. The tone of the magazine is quite friendly. It seems as if the celebrity is comfortable in telling her audience about the life. She tells some personal things to her audience. It seems as if the reader is a friend of the celebrity, and is actually talking to her. The celebrity seems relaxed and has a gentle approach in answering the questions. The celebrity is presented as an independent woman who likes to pose and is definitely not camera shy. She has clearly got experience in modelling. She is a model and an actress. The style of the article of the celebrity does match the style of the front cover because on the front cover there is a model and she is posing with fashionable clothes she is a fashionista. Also in the article the celebrity is posing in fashionable clothes. The article does demand a little prior knowledge to read the article because you need to know about the celebrity to want to read the article and understand it. However the celebrity does say things about herself which educates the readers and some people will be able to read the article and understand it fully.

Content page analysis

 The magazine does use images. The images have to do with fashion. The images have been construction in a way that they all relate to each other. The images all have to do with fashionesta and style. This supports my initial findings of the magazine because I thought the magazine was about style and fashion and it is. I also thought the intended audience was people who care about appearance also people who are egoists in the lifestyle category. On the content page the colours that are used are black red and white. No the colours on the content page does not support the style of the front colour because on the front cover gold and white is used. The information is organised in a manner which makes it easy for the audience to access .Some of the information is about the future stars and what type of clothes they would be wearing. Also some sections are about celebrity. Also some of the sections are about cheapest clothes. There are promotion features such as getting the next magazine that comes out cheaper. Also about a competition to win free items. The magazine logo is placed at the top where it is dominant. The audience will be able to see it because it is bold and it stands out. The brand does have franchises it has a blog which can promote a content page.

Analysis a magazine cover

‘Us weekly’ is a celebrity gossip magazine. From the front of the magazine it looks like the magazine will be about Obama and his wife. The target audience for this magazine will probably be women who like celebrity gossip. The age group will be women in their thirties. There interest will be about how celebrities live their lives. The celebrities on the magazine have a direct mode of address. This tells me that the celebrities in the magazine want the reader to feel as if they are close to them. Obama and his wife are on the front cover, they are on the front cover because Obama is the president of America. The anchorage text says ‘she shops at target loved sex and the city and never misses the girls’ recital. The untold romance between a down-to-earth mom and the man who calls her ‘my rock’’.This implies that Obama loves his wife. The overall message Obama and his wife are trying to give is that they are in love. Married people and people in love are represented in the magazine.  The title of the magazine is in pink which is a bright colour which makes the title stand out. The title is ‘Us weekly ’however the ‘Us’ is much bigger than the ‘weekly’. Which means the ‘Us’ is more important. The ‘Us’ can either stand for United state of us. The title of the magazine tells me that the readership is going to be people that live in the America or people that are interested in America. The image of the title is that it is quite light hearted ad friendly. The style of it is quite bright and bold. The ‘puffs’ suggest that the magazine will be about marriage, love and family. The strategies the magazine uses are that the president and his wife are on the front cover which attracts the target audience.

Thursday 14 July 2011

Assignment Bank 2 : film Unit Evaluative Analysis

The conventions that I have used in my poster are: an eye catching image, the title of the film and the production blurb. This will help appeal to the audience because the audience will learn a few things about the film and this will promote the film. In my poster the representation I have created are of the genre which are romance and comedy. The title which is ‘Too good for you’ will already tell the audience that the film will have a lot of comedy in it. The image in the poster will tell the audience that the film will be quite romantic. The convections that I have used in my trailer are: including key moments of the film, phrases such as ‘from the director of ’, music, voice over and the title of the film. I think my trailer will appeal to the target audience because information is given about the film. Also the audience will be able to see more clips of the film. I have represented my character in my trailer as typical people. I have done so because the target audience will be able to relate to some characters. Also all the main characters are in most of the scenes in the trailer. So the audience can differentiate between the protagonist and other character. The film company Paramount Pictures will produce and distribute my film. I chose that film company because they produce a lot of romantic comedy films. My film is a romantic comedy film. Paramount Pictures also produced ‘I Love You, Man’ which was very successful this is another reason I chose Paramount Pictures to produce and distribute my film.

Assignment Bank 2 : film Unit Mock Up

Assignment Bank 2 : film Unit Film Planning

Thursday 16 June 2011

Assignment Bank 2: Film Unit Film Trailer

In a film poster the typical codes and convections are: key moments from the film which are not necessarily placed in the same order. The name of the main stars are put on the screen early in the trailer so that the audience know what to expect , the audience often decide whether they want to watch the film just by the star in it. The names of directors or producers are often included so the audience can make connections between the film trailer and previously successful and recognised films. Many mainstream films will use a powerful voice-over that draws our attention to the key points of the film. Important information about the film is giving such as: tagline and release date. Music is essential in trailers as it can suggest the genre, style and plot of the film. The title of the film is usually put on the screen at the end of the trailer. Trailers are usually distributed by radio and popular social websites such as: facebook, twitter etc. Also film trailers can be distributed on TV commercials this is to boost the awareness of the film. The audience are people who have watched the first ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’. Also people who love fantasy and adventure films. The trailer gives away that the narrative will be about pirates and it will have to do with fantasy. The main stars are visible in the trailer this tells the audience what type of characters the stars are playing. Also the main stars names are written at the end of the trailer. The names of the director and producer are given. The release date is given this tells the audience when the film is in cinemas. There is also information about the film company. The genre of the film has been represented through the characters. Two of the actors are wearing pirate hats and they have guns this tells the audience that the genre of the film will be quite adventurous. The setting of the film is at sea which makes it seem as if the genre is fantasy. The music that has been chosen has a quick tone which again makes the genre seem adventurous. I get a better idea of what the film is about by the trailer than by the poster this is because more of the plot of the film is given in the trailer. In the trailers you can see more characters and also more scenes and more action. This makes the film more desirable to the audience. The advantage of using an Internet trailer to promote a film over using a poster campaign is that more people use the Internet therefore more people will come across the trailer so more people will watch the trailer . Also Internet trailers enables the audience to see more parts of the film which may lead them to actually wanting to watch the film.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Assignment Bank 2 : film Unit Film Poster Analysis

In a film poster the codes and convention use are: the title of the film, an eye catching image(s), name of actors and actresses, and the production blurb .I think the genre of the film is adventure and fantasy. I think this because there is a creature that is coming out of the water which reinforces the idea that the film genre is fantasy. Also there is a boat and one actor is holding a gun which gives me the impression that the film is quite adventurous. I know that there are special effects in this poster because there is a boat and an octopus coming out of the water the octopus is making the ship sink. The location seems to be at sea.  The characters are represented in different ways. All the characters are using a direct mode of address. One of the actors is wearing a bandana and beads which makes him looks like a pirate. He also looks like he has a plan and he is up to something. He is also holding a gun this makes him look as if his got power and authority because none of the other characters in the poster is holding guns. The actress looks pure and posh in a sense. The actor at the back facial expression is quite devious. The title of the film has been designed in a quite unique way because the writing is white and has fancy flicks at the end of each letter. Also the title is on a blank of wood and there is a picture of a skull this makes it seem like the movie is going to be about pirates and ships. Also the film is called ‘Pirates of the Caribbean dead man’s Chest’. This makes it obvious that the film is about pirates. The audience can expect a film with a lot an adventure and action. People who love adventure and fantasy films will be the ones going to watch this film. Also people who love pirate films. I think the unique selling point will be the fact that it has the actors Jonny Depp and Orlando Blue. Also the actress Keira Knightly stars in the film. They are all recognised actors especially Jonny Depp so that will be the main attraction for the film. This is why at the top of the poster it says the actors and actress names. The main selling point of the film is that there has been a ‘Pirates of the Caribbean 1’ before this film. This means people will me excited to watch the sequel of that film. The film is also about a novel. There are also numerous video games. The film company which produced this film was Walt Disney. It is a major Hollywood company. The film company placed the poster in magazines, billboards on buses, bus shelters and near cinemas. This made a lot of people know about the film which made the film a big success.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Assignment Bank 1: Advertising Final Advert

My advert is a perfume advert for a brand named Spectacular. The ideologies that I would like to be attached to my advert is sophistication and beauty, this is because a lot of people want to be sophisticated and beautiful. My advert appeals to the target audience because the model used in the advert is around the same age as the target audience, so it is likely it will influence there decision on buying the product. My advert fits into Maslow Hierarachy of needs by promoting creativity, self esteem, confidence and achievement; this will help to sell my product because people want to have confidence and self esteem. The persuasive techniques I have chosen to use is anchorage text. I chose anchorage text because I can use a slogan to appeal to my audience and therefore promote my product. Also I chose personal appeal because I think my advert will appeal to certain people. In my advert I have tried to create a fun and an elegant looking person. I did so because my target audience are people that have fun personalities and dress elegantly. The colour of the costume that the model is wearing is quite bright with touches of dark colours this makes the bright colours stand out more. The model in my advert is represented as a beauty bunny. The person in my advert is also wearing makeup. This makes the person in the advert noticeable and she stands out.

Assignment Bank 1: Advertising Draft

Assignment Bank 1 : Advertising Mock Up

Assignment Bank 1 : Advertising Original Images

These are the images taken .

Assignment Bank 1 : Advertising Advert Proposal

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Assignment Bank 1 : Advertising Advert Comparison

One of the main differences is how the two models are represented, Avril lavigne is represented as a rock chick with attitude and Beyonce is represented in a sexual proactive way. Also both models have different postures and have posed in different ways.The difference in the target audience is that Avril Lavigne product is aimed at teenagers but Beyonce's advert is aimed at young women.

Avril Lavigne advert is aimed at  teenagers who are innovators (people who want to make their mark on the world) in the lifestyle category. Although Beyonce advert is aimed at women who are egoists (people who are concerned to get the most pleasure for themselves out of life) in the lifestyle category.

Both of the adverts use persuasive techniques such as: anchorage text. Both use anchorage text in order to appeal to the target audience.