Tuesday 15 March 2011

Assignment Bank 1: Advertising Final Advert

My advert is a perfume advert for a brand named Spectacular. The ideologies that I would like to be attached to my advert is sophistication and beauty, this is because a lot of people want to be sophisticated and beautiful. My advert appeals to the target audience because the model used in the advert is around the same age as the target audience, so it is likely it will influence there decision on buying the product. My advert fits into Maslow Hierarachy of needs by promoting creativity, self esteem, confidence and achievement; this will help to sell my product because people want to have confidence and self esteem. The persuasive techniques I have chosen to use is anchorage text. I chose anchorage text because I can use a slogan to appeal to my audience and therefore promote my product. Also I chose personal appeal because I think my advert will appeal to certain people. In my advert I have tried to create a fun and an elegant looking person. I did so because my target audience are people that have fun personalities and dress elegantly. The colour of the costume that the model is wearing is quite bright with touches of dark colours this makes the bright colours stand out more. The model in my advert is represented as a beauty bunny. The person in my advert is also wearing makeup. This makes the person in the advert noticeable and she stands out.

Assignment Bank 1: Advertising Draft

Assignment Bank 1 : Advertising Mock Up

Assignment Bank 1 : Advertising Original Images

These are the images taken .

Assignment Bank 1 : Advertising Advert Proposal